Last newsletter I promised to follow up on the presentation I was scheduled to give on January 13th for the 2018 Shin Ho Kwan Black Belt Winter Retreat at beautiful Casowasco in Moravia, New York. The weather that morning was doubtful as we received 16 inches of snow the night before. But Rosa and I made our way there unscathed in the afternoon. The presentation was well received and I couldn’t have asked for a more positive and enthusiastic audience. The topic ~ Flower Power!
The international group consisted of members from across the United States, Canada and Mexico (and next year possibly Peru). Previously in newsletters I explained flower essences to you, so I won’t repeat here except to say that this is an energetically based safe and powerful way to benefit both mind and body. Scientific support has come from William Tiller, Fritz-Albert Popp, Pier Rubesq, and Penfros and Hammer.
After the lecture and demonstration, the audience broke into groups of five for the workshop. They were given test vials of various flower essences and asked to repeat associated reference statements designed to uncover limiting subconscious beliefs. Can you imagine the surprise when people found a strong arm muscle suddenly become weak. And yet one drop of the correct flower essence would overcome the weakness and in a sense begin to over-write the limiting belief.
I know this may sound strand, but it really is safe, fun and a real blessing for self-improvement physically and emotionally. Everyone accepts that color and light affect mood and health. Even hospitals utilize this concept. Well, here is something else from nature, pure energy without any physical material that could be harmful.
I’m wondering if any of my patients and friends would enjoy a lecture/workshop in our office. Call Rosa or me and let us know.
One last thing about this group of martial artists. I have lectured to them in the past. I always feel uplifted by their energy. They are always so respectful and kind, not just to me, but also to each other. Wouldn’t it be great if everyone treated each other this way?
Next newsletter I plan to write about holistic care, what it really is and what you can do to access greater health and happiness.
Yours in good health,
Dr. Peter Kladstrup
If you are interested in learning more about our office and the therapies I use in treatment, call today at 585-425-3626
Copyright © 2017 Dr. Peter Kladstrup, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
200 Village Landing
Fairport, NY 14450